Kratom and coffee are basically botanical cousins, both hailing from the Rubiacea family. As a result, the two substances have some similarities that make them blend well together in some cases.

In this article, we’ll talk about the synergy and potential of kratom and coffee and how to get the best out of the combo.

Coffee Basics

Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. It works in part due to its molecular shape. It fits perfectly in the adenosine receptor in the brain.

Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that signals tiredness to the body and brain.

By sitting in the adenosine receptor, caffeine is able to fool the body and brain by blocking adenosine. Adenosine, by the way, is vital to energy metabolism.

In addition to blocking tiredness, caffeine can sharp focus and may even alleviate some mild to moderate depression. This may be in part due to caffeine’s mild dopamine reuptake inhibition effect.

Dopamine is one of the primary chemical messengers related to pleasure, motivation and the reward/feedback cycle.

Caffeine is most known for its role as a stimulant but it may even play a role in pain relief. On its own, caffeine is apparently anti-inflammatory, but there’s more to the equation than that. As we mentioned previously, caffeine has a connection to the neurotransmitter adenosine.

Adenosine receptors play a role in the experience of physical pain. This is one reason, for instance, why caffeine used as an adjuvant treatment for pain relief.

An adjuvant, by the way, is something that is combined with the primary therapy.

If you’ll notice certain over the counter pain relievers will contain some caffeine and there are also studies showing that morphine is more effective when caffeine is added.

So coffee, or more specifically caffeine, is potentially helpful for folks dealing with pain or depression. This, along with the fact that they blend well together, makes coffee an excellent candidate for combining with kratom.

Kratom And Coffee Similarities

Coffee and kratom have some similar roots so to speak.

Both hail from the Rubiacea family making them basically botanical cousins. This is the reason for some of their similar effects.

Both are high in antioxidant potency — taste bitter in most people’s opinion and, as a result, often flavored.

Coffee and kratom may be helpful for those dealing with depression.

Anecdotal evidence suggests both may be helpful in fitness regimens as a pre-workout supplement.

On the other hand, both pose potential for tolerance and may result in some minor withdrawal symptoms if abused.

That said, the withdrawal symptoms of kratom are considered.

Minor headaches and sluggishness are the most common side effects noted which are nothing in comparison to the withdrawal symptoms of opiates and opioids.

Remember though, that both kratom and caffeine can result in tolerance and minor withdrawal, so it is important to track your usage and not use either compound to excess.

Kratom And Caffeine Side Effects

Nearly any substance you can ingest can have possible side effects. An excess of salt can be lethal, resulting in a stroke, for instance.

Both caffeine and kratom have some similar side effects if you take too much.

Nausea and other gastric issues are one of the most common issues with both.

Insomnia, anxiety and agitation and rapid heartbeat are more common with caffeine but an excess of energetic strains of kratom may have a similar effect. In the case of both, ingesting too much too quick can result in vomiting.

Then there are the differences. Kratom may potentially result in constipation whereas coffee is more likely to encourage bowel movements.

In both cases, side effects are more likely in people who are sensitive to the effects or if too much ingested at one time.

For this reason, it is important to keep consumption at a safe level.

Always use the minimal effective dose and realize that combining substances may compound their effects.

Coffee And Kratom Synergy

There are also some major differences. That said, many people find the combination of kratom with coffee to be an uplifting and enjoyable one.

As mentioned before, kratom and coffee both have some similar effects and that can result in a greater efficacy for folks who use them as an adjuvant therapy for depression, chronic pain or other issues.

Kratom And Coffee Differences

Kratom and coffee have several differences, this is in no small part due to the many varieties of both plants.

Arabica and Robusta are the two of the best known species of coffee. But, there are actually over 100 different species of the coffee shrub altogether.

As for kratom, the single species Mitragyna speciosa has several different varieties based on the region they are from.

In addition to that, the vein color and certain methods of processing may affect the effects of kratom.

Red veined kratom is generally more sedating and analgesic.

White veins are more stimulating and energetic.

Meanwhile, green vein kratom is a balance between the two that often contains a greater quantity of mitraphylline which is one of the main antioxidants in kratom.

Oddly enough, the main differences between species of coffee are just related to the taste and acidity.

Whereas, the active alkaloids are fairly confined to caffeine and a few other alkaloids so the effects of one type of coffee will not vary much.

Kratom, on the other hand, can be vastly different from one type to the other.

Another major difference between kratom and coffee is legality and availability.

Coffee is legal around the world and coffee shops exist in most every town.

Many restaurants and corner shops have a coffee pot where you can purchase a steaming hot cup of java.

Coffee grounds are easy to find at most grocery stores and other places where food and drinks are sold.

Meanwhile, kratom’s use is not nearly as widespread and, as a result, it’s not nearly as widely available.

In a few countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and Russia, kratom is banned outright as a controlled substance.

In the United States, kratom is legal federally but in a handful of states and cities there are laws or ordinances on the books making sale or possession of kratom powder banned.

That said, it’s noteworthy that coffee was once stigmatized and banned as well.

At times being compared to a devil’s brew, the Pope was even advised to urge all of Christendom to abstain from this “bitter invention of Satan” as detractors referred to it.

The same with cannabis which was considered a dangerous substance at the beginning of the 20th century. While currently it is legal for medicinal or recreational use in many US states.

Potency And Effects

Both coffee and kratom have effects lasting around 4-6 hours in totality apart from certain exceptions like Red Bali which can be short as short-lived as 3-4 hours or Green Malay which may last 7 or more hours.

Many people find a teaspoon or less of kratom to be sufficient for a dose.

Whereas with coffee, a tablespoon or more per cup is often used.

In most cases, coffee is likely to be more stimulating but kratom is often more likely to be pain-killing or mood lifting.

The Kratom And Coffee Combo

Kratom and coffee may mix well depending on your personal biology and preferences.

Some people combine both powders and brew them together but this may make the drink far more bitter than normally. If so, you can add flavoring.

Hot chocolate or cappuccino mixes may also improve the bitter taste of the kratom and coffee brew combo.

Brown sugar, cinnamon, stevia or honey may also help to make the blend more palatable. You can also use the popular “toss and wash” method before or after your morning cup of coffee.

Remember to try a little less of your regular dose of coffee and kratom on your first outing as they may potentiate each other’s effects.

Side effects like stomach upset could be more likely when combining, especially if you combine them on an empty stomach.

If you are using energizing strains like white vein Sumatra or Maeng Da, the addition of caffeine may be more likely to create jitteriness or anxiety.

Some people, by the way, even use energizing kratom like Maeng Da or Thai in place of coffee as a motivating pick-me-up.

Alternating between the two types may be especially helpful for keeping tolerance levels down as well.

Others who use strains like Red Borneo or Red Bali for pain management or opiate withdrawal may find them too sedating for daytime uses, in which cases combination with caffeine may be helpful.

Not only will the caffeine in coffee keep you more alert, but as we noted earlier, the caffeine may actually potentiate the pain-killing properties of the kratom itself.

If you decide to give the combo a go, remember to cut your dosage of each down by about half in order to lessen the likelihood of increased side effects.

Also remember to clear any new diet, fitness regimen, supplement or blend by your doctor especially if you’re currently under a physician’s care for any pre-existing condition or if you take any over the counter or prescription medication.

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Philip Fairbank
Philip Fairbank is a freelance writer, voice actor, and herbalist who has been studying ethnobotanicals for over 20 years. Philip has more than 15 decades publishing experience covering entertainment media, news reporting, investigative journalism and health, supplement and technology topics primarily. His work has appeared in print in the US, UK, and Australia including announcements like SUNY's journal Afterimage, entertainment publication Ghettoblaster and many others.



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