Red Kratom: What You Need To Know Before You Try It

You have come to the right place if you just came across the term “Red Kratom” and want to know more about this natural botanical. Red Kratom is a type of Kratom, a plant native to Southeast Asia. But you might wonder why it is named “red”? This is because of the unique crimson veins running through its leaves that distinguish Red Kratom from its green and white varieties. 

Today, we’ll provide you with a thorough understanding of Red Kratom. From its origins and potential benefits to using it responsibly, we’ll try to tell you everything you need to know before you try it.

Kratom Strains

The hues of Kratom leaves develop during the processing stages, and as a result, red vein Kratom is considered the original form. However, things can get a bit perplexing because the outcomes may differ within each strain due to variations in drying methods.

When selling Kratom products, some vendors use different color names to distinguish between different types of Kratom strains they obtain from various suppliers, while others categorize Kratom by color based on its geographical origin. Meanwhile, some vendors combine different Kratom strains and give them entirely new names.

Red vein Kratom is a good strain choice since this is the original strain from which other colors originate. Red vein Kratom trees possess remarkable adaptability, making them a preferred option for consumers since the supply is unlikely to fall short of demand. They can easily survive in dry regions as well as floodplains.

From Leaves to Powder: Processing Red Kratom

The processing methods for each Kratom strain vary according to its color. The majority of the strains stem from the red vein strain. While white and green vein Kratom also come in different strains, they are quite rare because of the difficult growing conditions.

Typically, suppliers take red Kratom, let it dry, and process it in specific ways to get the desired green or white vein variations. This processing is what alters the color of each strain.

Red vein Kratom is dried under direct sunlight, taking advantage of the ultraviolet rays. During this stage, it also undergoes fermentation, deepening the powder’s color. Green vein Kratom, for instance, undergoes outdoor drying similar to red Kratom but is later moved indoors, shielded from UV rays, for a period. White vein Kratom, on the other hand, is created from red vein Kratom through several days of indoor processing followed by outdoor drying in sunlight.

Fermentation occurs by sealing Kratom leaves in bags and allowing them to rest indoors for 2-5 days, with the duration determining the powder’s darkness. You would be surprised to know there’s also a yellow vein Kratom variation. Farmers and Kratom processors blend white and green or green and red Kratom, and place it for fermentation to produce this distinct yellow strain.

What’s the Best Dose of Red Kratom?

The right dosage will depend on the results you are looking for and how your body responds to Kratom. You need to take into account the following factors that will determine how the herb affects you to decide if a dose level is right for you:

  • Age
  • Substance tolerance
  • Metabolism
  • Weight
  • Height

Although the ideal dosage of red vein Kratom differs from person to person, this is a general guideline:

If you are new to Kratom or haven’t explored the benefits of red vein strains, starting with a small dose of 1-2 grams is a good idea. This dosage will allow you to experience subtle mood-boosting and mental soothing effects.

For those looking for full-body relaxation, the recommended dose is around 3-4 grams. This amount is normally enough to create a sense of calm and relaxation without reaching the more potent effects.

However, if you want a stronger sedative experience or need more intense relief from discomfort, consider a higher dosage, typically around 5-6 grams. Keep in mind that individual responses can vary, so it is important to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it as needed while paying close attention to how your body reacts.

How to Take Red Kratom?

Once you have determined the strain and dosage, you must choose how to consume it.

Some people find Kratom’s bitter flavor to be off-putting. If you cannot handle Kratom alone, brew its tea and add sweeteners. Here are a few other ways to take Red Kratom:

  • Capsules: Although they cost more than powder, these are easy and convenient, making them perfect for work or travel.
  • Tinctures: Although extracts and tinctures are normally expensive and difficult to get by, people adore how simple they are to use and how versatile they are.
  • Toss and Wash: While this does not help you avoid the taste, it does wash away rapidly. When using this method, make sure you drink your favorite beverage to mask the taste of the herb.

Top 5 Red Kratom Strains

There are numerous subcategories of red vein kratom. Vendors typically categorize kratom strains by color, followed by the area where the plant originates from. Here is a list of 5 best red veins Kratom strains:

Red Thai

The Red Thai is a very versatile strain. It has numerous purported benefits, from boosting energy to relaxation and mood enhancement. Although there are other varieties of kratom, Red Thai is particularly effective at bringing peace and quiet into your daily life.

Red Sumatra 

Red Sumatra originates from an Indonesian Island. It is well-known for its sedative properties. When compared to other strains, its effects stay longer and provide more profound relaxation.

Red Horn

The Horn strain is extremely rare and can only be found in Borneo. The tiny spikes (or horns) on its leaves are where it derives its name. Given the challenge of creating the optimum growth conditions, the Red Horn strain is frequently more expensive than other varieties. 

Red Borneo

Red Borneo is one of the best kratom strains because of its potent and calming aroma. The two most prevalent alkaloids, 7-hydroxymitragynine, and mitragynine, are present, but it also contains significant amounts of the compounds speciogynine and 9-hydroxycorynantheidine. These result in a little increase in energy and a more profound feeling of overall well-being.

Red Bali

The Red Bali strain is especially more stimulating than many other red alternatives and exclusive to the Bali island. The most popular uses of this strain are for a blend of energy and relaxation.

What Sets the Red Vein Kratom Apart from Green, White, and Yellow Varieties?

As mentioned, red vein Kratom is one of the several varieties of kratom. Here’s what sets red kratom apart from green, white, and yellow varieties:

Leaf Maturity

Red vein kratom leaves are picked at a more mature stage than green and white variants. This maturity produces a distinct alkaloid profile and chemical makeup.

Alkaloid Profile

Red vein kratom is well-known for its strong calming effects, thanks to its high levels of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. On the other hand, Green vein Kratom has a more balanced alkaloid profile and lies somewhere between the stimulating effects of white vein and the sedative effects of red Kratom. White vein Kratom has stimulating and energizing effects and contains higher levels of mitragynine, a stimulant alkaloid. Yellow-vein Kratom has an alkaloid profile similar to green-vein kratom.


Red vein kratom is known for relaxation and relief, while green vein Kratom offers moderate stimulation and discomfort relief with subtle energy. White vein kratom is energizing and enhances focus and alertness.

The Bottom Line

More and more people have started looking for natural and holistic approaches to improve their health and well-being. One such option is Kratom leaves, specifically red vein Kratom, known for its calming and mood-enhancing properties.

Before incorporating red Kratom into your wellness routine, it is essential to explore its history, processing methods, and potential benefits. Choosing a reliable and knowledgeable supplier, like Grassroot Harvest, is crucial for a positive experience with this ancient supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is red vein Kratom safe?

Yes, red vein Kratom is safe. Grassroot Harvest provides third-party Certificates of Analysis for their red vein Kratom products to guarantee safety, effectiveness, and the absence of additives or fillers.

How Should I Store Red Vein Kratom?

Store your Red Vein Kratom products in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. This will help maintain their potency and freshness.

How Much Mitragynine is Typically Found in Red Vein Kratom?

The mitragynine content in Red Vein Kratom can vary, but it is typically around 1-2% by weight.



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