Kalimantan Kratom Review – Expert Guide Of Types, Dosage, Effects

Kratom is a magic herb that possesses the ability to relieve pain and provide calmness and relaxation. Moreover, it also has the quality to energize and improve the quality of life through better performance abilities.

You can forget taking large doses of opioids and rely on a natural compound that produces the same results as pharmaceutical medicines but is safe.

From the island of Borneo, comes the most unusual strain of Kalimantan Kratom that has millions of fans all over the world. This strain has its uniqueness and has added to the options that people have now for pain relief and relaxation.

What Is Kalimantan Kratom?

Kalimantan Kratom, or Kali Kratom, is a variation of Kratom that provides numerous benefits to users. It is the leaf of a tropical forest tree that has several medicinal benefits.

It is a native plant of South East Asia and producers cultivate this magical herb on the island of Borneo.

Kratom has become a new sensation for all those suffering from disorders, aches and small health issues that hinder their daily activities and the Kali Kratom is a popular variety.

For pain relief and many other benefits, people have turned to the use of natural supplements, and Kratom tops this list!

From Where Do We Get Kalimantan Kratom?

The magical herb of Kratom is a specialty of South Asia. It grows in different regions, Kratom shops and vendors ship Kalimantan Kratom to the United States and other places in the world from the province of Kalimantan. It is the largest export item for Kalimantan and cultivators export it across the globe.

Many people experimented to grow Kratom, but it is a complicated procedure and can be a challenging task.

The Kalimantan Kratom export has risen significantly during recent years, due to which farmers in the Kalimantan province have moved to the cultivation of Kratom instead of other commodities such as rubber and palm.

All over the world, people use Kalimantan Kratom to benefit from its properties.

Everyone wants to get rid of medication; therefore, the use of Kratom has become common. However, Kalimantan Kratom is sourced from Borneo Island and in other regions.

The Different Types Of Kali Kratom Strains

The Kali Kratom is of three main types, distinguished by the color of the leaf vein.

1) Red Kalimantan Kratom

The Red Vein Kali Kratom is one of the best Kratom strains ever known. It has multiple benefits such as pain relief and tranquilizing effect.

Purest Strain

The Red Kalimantan Kratom is considered the purest kind of Kratom and this adds to its popularity. It is also called the ‘original strain’ due to its excellent results. This property has made it famous as the purest Kratom strain available to us.

Mild And Longer Effects

The consumer will testify that the results yielded by the Kalimantan Red Kratom are not very severe and last longer.

The red kratom from Kalimantan has a slight morphine-like effect that helps calm nerves and relieve pain. The consumer feels pain-free and relaxed for a more extended period.

Safe And Reliable

The use of red Kali Kratom is safe and free from side effects. However, it is important to reiterate that the use of any substance in excess can cause problems. You can read about the dosage of this strain below.

Detox Agent

The red strain has antioxidants which help in purifying the body functions. You can add it to your tea and benefit from the detoxifying agent to feel fresh and young.

2) The Green Kalimantan Kratom

What is unique about the Green Kali Kratom is that it provides a vast variety of health benefits. These benefits include relief from pain as well as an energizing effect.

The stimulating properties of the strain make it an ideal pick for those who do not want to slow down due to pain or ache.

Consuming green Kalimantan Kratom means you can feel pain-free but not sedated. The mild effect of this strain is what makes it a favorite among users.

Balanced Strain

Due to the mild effect of the green Kalimantan Kratom, it is called the medium spectrum strain. It uplifts the spirits while reducing or eliminating pain.

Energy And Focus

The green strain may be sedative when taken in large doses, but even so, it is less tranquilizing since the energizing factor reduces sedation and improves concentration.

Long Lasting Effects

The pain-free and energized state that one experiences after consuming green Kalimantan Kratom is not a few hours but can last much longer than the euphoria witnessed after using other strains.

The green Kali Kratom will make you feel stimulated and anesthetized for a much more extended period!

Mature Strain

Cultivators harvest the green Kali Kratom when it matures perfectly. They are collected and dried and then processed for consumption in different forms.

The maturity ensures that the properties of Kratom have primed and will maximize results since they are potent for an extended period.


The green Kalimantan Kratom has a distinct smell that adds to its effect. You can brew a tea with this strain, and the aroma will testify that the herb is wholesome and beneficial.

Side Effects

The green Kalimantan Kratom, if consumed in very high doses may cause nausea. People are always cautioned to maintain optimum dosage.

3) The White Kalimantan Kratom

The white strain variety of Kalimantan Kratom has a dissociating and euphoric effect on users. It will boost your energy while providing the same benefits as other types do.

Pain Relief

The white Kalimantan Kratom has the same pain eliminating effect as the red strain but in moderation. It helps users feel free and better. It may be slightly sedative, but not to the extent of the red Kalimantan Kratom.

Energy Boost

The white strain can give you the boost that does not cause any jitters or anxiety. It is subdued but an excellent way to feel stimulated.

Uplifting Aroma

The fragrance of this strain will uplift your mood and make you feel energized. It will also help maintain a positive attitude, which makes users feel happy and at ease.

The Composition Of Kalimantan Kratom

Kratom has a blend of alkaloids that do not cause excessive sedation but relieves pain and discomfort. The 7-hydroxymitragynine makes the Kalimantan kratom unique and helps with opiate withdrawal.

In What Forms Do Vendors Sell Kalimantan Kratom Strains?

The different vendors process the various Kalimantan kratom strains into powder form, teas, and capsules for consumer use. Users can benefit from the different types of herb available in the market.

Several online vendors sell the kratom strains in air-tight packaging that maintains the freshness of the powder.

Dosage And Method Of Consumption

The process of use can vary according to every individual’s taste and likeness. However, the most common way is to take it as tea or mix it in any beverage.

Another method is to directly use the powder with a glass of water if you like. The capsules or teas are a more natural way, while people prefer tea over other methods.

The dosage of Kalimantan Kratom is also different for every individual. The minimum dose should be around 1.5 to 2 teaspoons but can be increased to 3 teaspoons per day too.

The sedative and opiate-like red Kalimantan Kratom can give good pain relief and sedation when used up to 3 teaspoons a day. Going above that may be tried, but it is better to start with a minimum and gradually increase the dosage.

The same dosage can give the stimulating and energizing effect of Kalimantan green and white varieties.

Availability And Pricing

The Kalimantan Kratom is available through several online shops and vendors all over the world. You can order online and receive your package within a short period.

There are many great online dispensers for Kratom, and the Kalimantan Kratom is a favorite item on all of them. Many of the online shops are authentic, but consumers still need to be careful.

The price of Kalimantan Kratom is slightly higher than the Maeng Da and Bali Kratom varieties. The reason for this can be that all of Kalimantan Kratom comes from the West Kalimantan province.

Numerous online shops deal in Kratom only and help you decide which one to choose. You can compare prices of different shops as well.

A popular online store Shopketum sells quality red Kalimantan Kratom in different packages. The minimum weight package of 28grams costs $9.95. The price for the 500gram package is $74.95. Similarly, the cost of white Kalimantan Kratom is $8.95 for 28grams, $74.95 for 500grams and $134.95 for 1kg.

The price of Kalimantan Kratom, according to users is much less than the positive effect it has on the body!


User Reviews

People all over the world use Kratom, and millions of people have reviewed the different varieties. It is easier for new users to decide which strain they want to buy.

Users have loved Kalimantan Kratom varieties since they are powerful and one of the purest strains mixture. Some users have called the Red Kalimantan Kratom savior and king!

The significant impact and pain eliminating quality are what sets the Kalimantan Kratom apart. They have given it a five-star rating due to its positive results. The euphoric effect of the strain is a favorite among people. Users also highly recommend green and white types.

Some of the commendable features of the strains are sedation, euphoria, stimulation, mood lifting, and even invigoration.

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