CBD or cannabidiol has recently emerged as a popular compound used by people for medicinal purposes to cure a range of issues like arthritis or chronic pain, anxiety, anger, asthma, seizures, depression, and other behavioral issues.

Many people remain concerned about how long CBD stays in their system.

To answer this very valid question, it is important to first understand the one significant difference between THC and Cannabidiol (CBD).

The confusion occurs because both of these extracts come from the same plant. However, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects that are exhibited by the consumption of marijuana or THC.

This means that though CBD heals conditions like seizures, arthritis and acute pain, anxiety, and other medical conditions but it doesn’t make you feel high.

How early would CBD Oil work on your body?

It is quite understandable that when an individual is consuming CBD oil, they already are in a lot of pain and anxiety and would like to feel healed and pain-free right after its consumption or application.

However, like any other medicine or pain-killing compound, CBD oil does take a while to work on the system depending on a few factors.

Some of which might be controllable by the consumers, others may not. These include:

CBD Oil is administered sublingually

The sublingual administration has the fastest action time and it usually takes up to five minutes to show an impact because the compound gets into the bloodstream quicker.

Edibles ingestion

CBD oil administered this way takes more time, about twenty minutes to start showing its impact. This may also vary depending upon the time the last meal was eaten.

Twenty minutes is usually the quickest when the CBD oil is consumed on an empty stomach. Time also varies depending on the individual’s genetic composition.

After using, CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the individual’s system, especially C1 and C2, before it starts to show its effect.

Usually, practitioners recommend administering around 300mg on a daily basis for a variety of behavioural or pain issues. However, for chronic problems, they may recommend consuming as much as 700mg for CBD to have its best impact.

In either case, the compound would get completely washed out of your system in a week’s time.

CBD Clearance Time

Once applied, the effects of CBD Oil start to show after 20 to 30 minutes and it remains active for about four hours.

After the effects of the CBD oil have worn off, it will continue to be in your system for a few days even though you won’t feel its effect.

Let’s look at it this way: if you have taken a 20mg dosage of CBD Oil, an individual with an average weight and moderate diet will have about 10mg left after two days.

This half-life principle stays true for a single dose of CBD oil taken orally.

Moreover, to determine the length of CBD oil staying in the system, we have to take the below mentioned factors into consideration.

However, at an average, it usually takes between 2 and 5 days for your body to lose it from your system completely.

The factors on which the length of its stay depends include:

  • The amount you consume CBD Oil at any given time
  • The frequency at which CBD Oil in consumed
  • The way it is administered; edibles, tincture, vaping, oral sprays, etc.
  • The time between your last meal and the use of CBD Oil
  • Your body weight
  • Your age

In addition to this, several studies suggest that it takes pretty much the same amount of time for CBD oil to wear off in men and women alike.

Although the amount of CBD oil one has consumed remains the major factor to determine how long it would take to be completely wiped out of your system.

Will CBD oil show on your drug test?

Many people question if the consumption of CBD oil shows on a drug test.

If you are in a professional situation and you are worried it would have any negative consequences, the first thing you should be aware of is that several employers do not take CBD oil in the same category as marijuana for CBD oil’s obvious medicinal reasons.

Most of the time, it is not taken into consideration since it doesn’t show any psychoactive effects.

However, it is always better to check with the concerned Human Resources department beforehand as well as check with your state’s laws regarding CBD oil consumption.

This is because most of the employers are not looking for CBD’s presence but, the presence of THC in urine, blood, saliva or hair.

It is also advisable to check with the concerned department if your workplace has mandatory drug testing policies and follow any strict rules regarding employment.

Though CBD is a completely natural compound with no harmful effects and is declared safe for medicinal usage by the World Health Organization but it is also important to keep in mind that it contains minimal traces of THC, which can be detected during a drug screening even if you have only consumed CBD oil.

So, it is always better to ask the employer outright as well as ensure the amount of THC in the CBD oil that you are consuming specifically.


CBD Oil remains the only non-psychoactive compound extracted from the same plant as THC and it thus remains non-recreational and strictly for medicinal purposes.

It may contain a little traces of THC but the largest fraction is of CBD.

Legally, industrial CBD oil should only have about 0.3% of THC.

This is why, usually CBD is not screened for either to check employability or under any circumstances because it doesn’t cause any kind of impairment.

In such cases, where urine or other tests do indicate THC, the test can easily be verified using gas chromatography, which will indicate the minuscule amount of THC present in CBD oil and it wouldn’t be a problem.

In such cases, where urine or other tests do indicate THC, the test can easily be verified using gas chromatography, which will indicate the minuscule amount of THC present in CBD oil and it wouldn’t be a problem.



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