Should You Consume CBD Oil On An Empty Stomach?

A problem may arise any time you need to take some medication or nutritional supplements on an empty stomach or a full stomach?

CBD oil is a product derived from hemp comprising many medicinal compounds that help to mitigate multiple risk factors. Among other effects, it has neuroprotective, relaxing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and analgesic effects.

CBD drops perhaps one of the easiest yet the most bioavailable methods to consume. Moreover, almost everyone agrees that this makes a difference with no risk factors.

It also not as obvious or pungent as cigarettes. Although CBD has a few harmful side effects, several people may wonder when the best time to take? Should you consume it before a meal or after?

Read below to find out the best way to take CBD oil – on an empty stomach or full, before the meal or after?

Avoid Taking CBD Oil on an Empty Stomach

Sadly, on the web, there’s still a bit of speculation about whether to take CBD oil on an empty stomach or with your meals. To understand the science between the consumption of CBD oils, you need to know that it has everything to do with your digestion and digestive patterns.

You also need to learn a bit about bioavailability to understand the concept of consumption better. The word bioavailability implies the’ level and pace at which a compound is consumed and how the body tends to break it down through some reactions ‘ within the internal system.

These reactions are not negative. They are as simple as the breaking of the compound in your mouth by salivary amylase, gastric acid in your stomach, and intestinal enzyme in your stomach; general operations that take place whenever you eat.

This relates to the number of active ingredients that your body may be capable of absorbing based on factors such as the particular product eaten, the duration of the eating, and so on.

When we consume products such as CBD oils, digestion may be difficult. Since our stomach is empty, the gastric acids in our stomach will directly react with the CBDs structure; it won’t remain effective.

However, if you have eaten something, it will react with what you ate instead of the CBD in its full potency.

If your stomach is empty, it will be difficult for the CBD to be absorbed in the bloodstream, as the structure of the CBD will no longer be the same. The modification and alteration of the CBD oil occur to the CBD compound in the liver by the CYP450 enzymes.

The reason behind why the absorption may be confusing is that the structure of the CBD oil can go through some changes and modifications as it goes through the first phase of metabolism and comes in contact with different acids throughout its passage to the stomach.

This will be even more if the stomach is empty when you consume, and the acids react with the CBD. The CBD oil is best absorbed in its actual form.

We can categorize this phase of metabolism as the reaction of the enzymes on the CBD compound (discussed above).

The best way to deal with this issue is to get hands-on products that can boost your bioavailability. But for what you know – do not consume CBD Oil on an empty stomach.

The gastrointestinal acids are incredibly potent; if you intake the CBD and it comes in contact with your stomach acids, then, unfortunately, the CBD will not be of any use.

If you, however, have a little bit of food in your stomach, then it starts to floats like a ship. This way, the CBD you ate in the edible / CBD-laden saliva / soft gel has plenty to settle on.

Once the solid substance or the food that you ate is broken down by the acids, the CBD will then be able to break down perfectly.

This means that the CBD oil that you are going to consume will have some support before it comes in contact with the gastric acid; this way, the gastric acids will not come in contact with the CBD oil in the degrees that it would if your stomach was empty.

From there, CBD will then be broken down to its optimal level, and you will get the maximum benefits.

Side Effects Of Taking CBD On Empty Stomach

CBD works with the digestive system in your body; it has a similar passage to enter your body like any other drugs that you might be taking.

As you consume the CBD oil, it is then assimilated and absorbed in your intestines and stomach, which makes it active to break down as it passes your body along the way.

This stage is what makes it essential to keep your digestive system prepared before you intake any products of CBD, especially the CBD oil.

The best way to prepare your body, stomach, and digestives system for the best results is to have some food before taking CBD to achieve maximum effectiveness.

If you do not have proper foods in your body, the chances are that the CBD will not be effective. Instead, it will lead to some negative side effects that you might not want to welcome.

Nausea is one of the most common side effects of taking CBD on an empty stomach. It may also occur if a beginner dives into a heavier or a stronger dose. Moreover, many consumers will also feel discomfort after consuming CBD on an empty stomach.

The logic behind this concept and discomfort is that the oils may react with the acid in your stomach, which makes it impossible for the CBD compounds to break down for absorption in the body.

It’s best if you consume CBD oils between 30 mins or 1 hour after you had your meal. It’s the optimum time as the bioavailability is at a peak at this time.

Many CBD patients with weakened stomachs reported diarrhea as a side-effect of using CBD on an empty stomach. This is, though, is very unusual for an average consumer, and usually applies only for those who take CBD on an empty stomach.

Moreover, as recommended above, one must consume CBD oils at least 30 mins or 1 hour after consuming their meals. It can be advantageous as at this point, the absorption rate is at its best, and you will be able to consume the CBD with no discomfort and maximum benefit.

The Best Way to Take CBD Oil

Some of the simplest ways of improving CBD oil’s bioavailability is to consume it along with fatty acids; while eaten with fatty acids, the CBD oil may dodge some of the first pass digestion phases, thereby avoiding massive structural alterations.

In this way, you will maintain basically all of the CBD oil that you eat orally, and they will be able to act best due to no alterations in its structure and compound.

What the Science Says About Taking CBD with Food?

As per many types of research, taking in CBD oil along with your food can help pass the first phase of the metabolism, hence enhancing the overall absorption rate. We do not claim this without any proof; let’s closely look at the facts and evidence.

A research released by the University of Minnesota looked forward to examining how CBD influenced “older refractory epilepsy cases.”  8 participants that were recently treated CBD for epilepsy were issued “a single dose of 99% pure CBD capsules” and told to consume it in “both fasting (no breakfast) and feed (high-calorie fat 840–860).”

Plasma rates were measured shortly after, and some days later, to find out the degree of CBD in their bloodstream. Findings demonstrated that the volume of CBD reported in the bloodstream improved four-fold in people who consumed it with fatty foods when contrasted with measurements taken during the fasting period.

While the standard deviation may be limited, what we know about both the bioavailability of fats and oils confirms the results.

A Harvard Medical School study dealt with the biofunctionality of fatty acids of both long and medium-chain triglycerides. They noticed that modern fats and oils work providing high-energy.

The finding is very similar to that of the University of Minnesota. The body absorbs compounds in the fatty foods more easily, and hence the acid does not react with the CBD structure as it would otherwise.

Thankfully, the compounds in CBD oil are naturally hydrophobic for CBD users-it readily binds with oils and repels water. Moreover, several molecules of CBD oil also bind with the long-chain triglycerides, and it goes to the bloodstream as the fats are absorbed; thus, it prevents the consumer from being a victim to the P450 enzymes.

What Foods Should I Take With CBD?

Medium to long-chain triglycerides, which are fatty acids, are the safest kinds of foods to consume with CBD oil. Such forms of fatty acid act as a great agent to bind the CBD cannabinoids such as CBD.

Moreover, they can be directly metabolized as energy by the liver; hence the reduction and loss of CBD volume during the first phase of metabolism are very less.

It helps your body to digest certain fats and bring them to use immediately–as well as the CBD and other trace metabolites that they carry. A latest released research by the University of Nottingham accepts the benefits of consuming CBD with fatty acids.

They observed in a study published in the journal that co-administering CBD with long-chain triglycerides circumvented some first-pass digestion phases, enabling for the ingestion of considerably more CBDs.

The analysis by a similar team of researchers showed that, when consumed after a meal, the bioavailability of CBD was four times greater.

Now the question arises: What food is the best for consuming with CBD oil? Medium-chain fatty acids comprise between 6 and 10 carbons, whereas long-chain fatty acids contain 14 or more carbon. In certain foods, you can find great volumes of fats and oils.

Ideal Foods to Take With CBD Oil

  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Soybean oil
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sesame oil

You can even become innovative at home to make your own Homemade CBD edibles, which means that you use CBD for cooking. There’s no lack of methods to add CBD to your foods, be it CBD oils or others.

CBD can be great for your health, however, ensure that you consume it 30 mins after having your meal, and DO NOT consume it on an empty stomach to negate any side effects.



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